Cashmio, a digital gaming platform, has named Tobias Regnestam as its new Chief Operations Officer. Regnestam possesses extensive expertise from his prior position at Mr Green, where he spearheaded the partner network. A recognizable figure in the iGaming industry since 2013, he began as a brand representative for Casumo.
Regnestam is responsible for supervising all facets of client acquisition and will hold a crucial part in molding the company’s framework and procedures. Maria Boelius, CEO and co-founder of Cashmio, conveyed her enthusiasm regarding Regnestam joining the company. She feels his background and ambition make him the ideal candidate to assist Cashmio in realizing its bold objectives.
Tobias Regnestam, the recently appointed COO of Cashmio, is elated to join the company! He shared his enthusiasm, stating, “Assuming this position at one of the globe’s most engaging digital platforms is a true privilege. I’m eager to witness our collective achievements!” He’s prepared to immediately dive in with the skilled individuals at Cashmio and further develop their accomplishments.