The British gaming sector is preparing for its inaugural Responsible Gaming Week, scheduled for October 12th through 18th. This large-scale initiative, led by the Betting and Gaming Council, will unite over 10,000 betting shops, bingo halls, casinos, and digital platforms to advocate for responsible gaming practices. With more than 121,000 staff members participating, it is poised to be the most extensive awareness campaign the industry has witnessed.
The objective is unambiguous: ensuring comprehensive understanding of responsible gaming’s significance. Businesses are capitalizing on this occasion to inform patrons about potential hazards and emphasize the resources available to maintain a safe and enjoyable gaming experience.
Sir Christopher Kelly, who heads the National Responsible Gambling Strategy Board, stressed the value of direct public engagement. He applauded the “Let’s Talk About Safer Gambling” theme, stating that learning from the encounters of gamblers and their relatives is paramount to enhancing gaming safety for all.